Tap to Tie Premium

Tap to Tie Premium

Normaler Preis€3,00
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Don't have a card yet? Add it to your order here

A dedicated
profile creator

All information


Sobald du Tap to Tie Premium abonnierst, erhältst du Zugriff auf alles im kostenlosen Plan, plus:

✔️ Erstelle bis zu 5 einzigartige Profile.
✔️ Zugang zu sämtlichen Informationsfeldern.
✔️ Profitiere von ständig weiterentwickelten Funktionen: Kontaktformular, Adressbuch und mehr.
✔️ Verwalte Kontakte mit unserer Adressbuch-Funktion.
✔️ Mehr Netzwerken, weniger Aufwand - Wir erstellen und bearbeiten deine Profile
✔️ Unbegrenzte Anpassungsmöglichkeiten für deine Profile
✔️ Priorisierten Premium-Kundensupport

After purchasing NFC business cards, here's what happens:

1. Purchase and Premium Plan Selection:
- Customers have two options: they can either buy NFC cards directly from our online shop or contact us for a customized offer at contact@taptotie.com.
- Customers can also choose to add the Premium plan at the time of purchase or select it later.

2. Design Approval:
- For customized business cards, our designer creates a mockup design based on the customer's requirements.
- The design is sent to the customer for approval before proceeding to printing.

3. Printing and Delivery:
- Once the design is approved, we print the NFC business cards.
- The printed cards are then delivered to the customer's specified location.

4. Profile Customization:
- We ask the customer to provide a list of employee information, including email, first and last name, position, company, website, and more.
- Using this information, we pre-fill each user's profile with the provided details, saving time and ensuring accuracy.
- Additionally, we harmonize the user profiles by using the same banner, websites, and other relevant elements to maintain a consistent and professional appearance.

5. Card Distribution and Activation:

- The NFC cards are sent to the customer for distribution to their employees.
- Employees activate their cards by scanning the attached QR code and setting a password.
- Streamline your networking and accelerate lead conversion with a single tap (NFC) or scan (QR code) to effortlessly share all your information.

These steps offer flexibility in purchasing options and selecting the Premium plan. Whether customers buy directly from our online shop or request a customized offer, they can also add the Premium plan at their convenience. From design approval to card distribution and profile updates, our process ensures a smooth and customizable experience for obtaining NFC business cards.

Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie
Create your card - Tap to Tie

Designe deine Karte

Normaler Preis€28,00
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Tap to Tie spendet 5% deines Bestellwertes. Wähle zwischen unseren Partnern.

Order card   ➡️   Complete design brief   ➡️   Delivered within 7 days   ✅




Made in

Tap to Tie ist deine attraktive, umweltfreundliche und wiederverwendbare digitale Visitenkarte. Teile alle deine Informationen mit einem Tap (NFC) oder einem Scan (QR-Code), erweitere dein Netzwerk und konvertiere Leads schneller und einfacher.

  • Eingebetteter NFC-Chip
  • Kartenkörper aus 100% echtem Holz, kein Plastik!
  • Verschiedene Holzarten aus heimischen und nachhaltigen Quellen erhältlich: FSC-zertifiziert
  • Abfallfrei: Spart Papier und ist konform mit der Kreislaufwirtschaft
  • Hohe Oberflächenhärte und Kratzfestigkeit
  • Hygienisch und Corona-konform: Reduziert physische Interaktion durch berührungslose Vernetzung

We ship worldwide.

For standard cards:
Expected delivery time is 7 days. For other countries, shipping may take longer.

For cards with customized design:
After design approval the card will be delivered within 7 days. For other countries, this may vary.

Customize your Tap to Tie as you please. After your purchase, you will receive a confirmation email with the design brief. Design options:

Front side:
- Choose your preferred wood material
- Add your company logo (optional)
- Add your First and Last names (optional)
- Show your logo in its original colour, in black or in white
- Select the size (S, M, L) and positioning of your logo (top left, bottom, left, center)

Back side: not changeable, QR Code

Tap to Tie works without an app! Here are the phones compatible with our NFC technology.

Apple- all phones after 2017
Samsung- all phones after 2014
Google- all phones after 2015
Huawei- all phones after 2016
HTC- all phones after 2015
LG- all phones after 2014
Nokia- all phones after 2016
OnePlus- all phones after 2015

✔️ Credit card size (86mm x 54mm x 1,3 mm - 1,5 mm)
✔️ Real FSC certified wood
✔️ Sustainable, recyclable, and ethical
✔️ Biodegradable, compostable

PLANT-MY-TREE® - carries out reforestation projects, which includes projects for initial reforestation, ecological forest conversion and forest protection in Germany. They support people and companies who would like to get involved in the preservation of our environment, and for our climate.

Whale and Dolphin Conservation - the leading global charity dedicated to the conservation and protection of whales and dolphins. They defend these remarkable creatures against the many threats they face through campaigns, lobbying, advising governments, conservation projects, field research and rescue.

Sea Forester - an environmental impact organisation that replants the ocean and restores seaweed ecosystems using innovative seaforestation techniques. Their main approach involves the seeding of small stones with seaweed spores, growing them on land in specialised nurseries and deploying them in the sea. The seeded stones can be scattered from a boat without the need for divers or technical equipment, providing a low-cost and scalable solution to restore these productive ocean habitats.